The newest addition to Khara Horning's family. 1 year old Miniature Pinscher. "He's a cuddler. Cuddles on laps whenever/wherever possible! Knows many tricks!!! Smart Cookie!"
Iphone6, Carbondale CO, 2018. 


The Dalai Lama of dogs. "She was my daughters Christmas gift after having to bury our 3 previous members. She is a wise old gal that Im pretty sure has had 20 other lives!"

3 y/o lab mix belonging to Kirstin Pamp-Friel, along with brother Barnum.


Tyson is a Boxer Great Dane mix belonging to @fair_view_farm . “Happy Go Lucky boy rescued from Lost Paws in Utah at just 8 weeks old!” Loved his energy and excitement during this shoot!! Thanks Mary & Tyson 


HasselDog 2018